Eastern Carolina Emergency Physicians has merged with Emergency Care Partners, a national provider of emergency medicine and emergency department management services for hospitals in Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, Louisiana, Florida, New York, Illinois and North Carolina.
Transactions + Private Equity
Here are the top 10 private equity deals by the value of physician practices between 2012 and 2021, according to data from the American Antitrust Institute's report "Monetizing Medicine: Private Equity and Competition in Physician Practice Markets":
Here are the top private equity firms by number of physician practice deals between 2012 and 2021, according to data from the American Antitrust Institute's report "Monetizing Medicine: Private Equity and Competition in Physician Practice Markets," published July 10:
Physician practice acquisitions involving private equity firms have increased by more than six times over the past 10 years, according to data from the American Antitrust Institute's report "Monetizing Medicine: Private Equity and Competition in Physician Practice Markets."
Physicians are less likely to work in private practice now than they were 10 years ago, according to a newly released analysis of physician practice agreements from the American Medical Association.
Hospitals are typically thought of as the most common medical group and ASC buyer. But that's not the case anymore. Hospitals aren't even among the top three buyers for the last four years, according to an American Hospital Association analysis…
Here are five moves pointing to private equity growth that Becker's reported on in June:
The New York state Legislature has introduced new reporting requirements for healthcare acquisitions and transactions, which will go into effect Aug. 1, according to a June 23 report from JD Supra.
Here are 15 notes on private equity moves that Becker's has covered so far in 2023:
Here are four private equity updates since April 24 that ASC leaders need to know: