Why physicians need a seat at the table

Benjamin Stein, MD, an independent orthopedic surgeon who co-founded and is now chairman of ASC development group Capital Surgical Solutions, joined Becker’s to discuss why physician leadership is critical to the success of healthcare facilities. 


Editor’s note: This response was edited lightly for clarity and length. 

Question: Why is it so important to have physicians have a seat at the table?

Dr. Benjamin Stein: I think physician leadership is critical. Over time, there has been a significant reduction in physician input in many areas of healthcare. In private practice, I still have a lot of control, but I was losing it in the surgery center side until I regained it through my own ventures.

Physicians know what is best in terms of care delivery. They understand the environment and the people they work with, and they can put things together efficiently. Being at the table is crucial. I’ve seen firsthand how physician involvement improves things, whether it’s in negotiations, recruitment or daily management.

Having that engagement from the physicians who are actually delivering the care makes a big difference in the success of the facility.

I think the next few years will be interesting. With ongoing regulatory changes, discussions of price neutrality, and more complex procedures moving to surgery centers, we’ll see a lot of evolution. I also think there’s a growing recognition among mid-career surgeons about the importance of having a seat at the table. It’s going to be interesting to see how it all plays out.


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