Here is what three physicians told Becker’s that young physicians should know:
Editor’s note: Responses have been lightly edited for clarity and length:
David Rottinghaus, MD. President of Physician and Provider at Independence Health System (Butler, Pa.): As a young physician, focus on continuing to develop your skills in the practice of medicine. The pace of change in healthcare is rapid and accelerating so be a continuous learner. Find and lean on mentors, this has served me very well. Keep close to the values and decisions that drove you to pursue a career in medicine, let them be your continued motivation as you embark on a very worthwhile journey. Healthcare is at a challenging time but keep your focus at this point in your career on providing excellent patient care and building relationships. When you are comfortable (and willing), find ways to get involved and create a positive impact on a larger scale. Expand your network — there are so many talented and dedicated people in healthcare, both at the bedside and making a positive impact.
Harry Haus, MD. Family Medicine Physician (Erie, Pa.): Do not be an employee. Employees get burned out because of the loss of independence. They cannot refer a patient to the best doctor but must send to a doctor employed by their hospital system. They cannot add a sick person to be seen at lunch because the practice closes at lunch. They [cannot] add a person at the end of the day because they must close at 4 or 5 p.m. They cannot make a house call for a bedridden patient. They cannot have Saturday morning hours or evening hours so a person does not miss work. I experienced all of this as an employed physician so I went back to private practice. You will also keep more of what you earn since you will not pay a CEO $9 million dollars. Best of all you decide when to retire.
Sheldon Taub, MD. Gastroenterologist at Jupiter (Fla.) Medical Center: Younger physicians entering the medical field today have different challenges than I did 46 years ago. Many of them enter the profession in significant financial debt because of student loans. The administrative burdens today and the emotional stress are also different. If not handled correctly, early burnout is possible. Electronic medical records consume a significant portion of the doctor’s time, ultimately reducing time spent with the patient. The upcoming significant physician shortage adds pressure to people in the profession, resulting in times when they are overworked. Younger physicians need to set boundaries between their professional and personal lives. And finally, listening to patients is a lost art. That needs to be reinstated.